Good morning! Today we are starting Unit 7. Don't worry, because we are going to go slowly and you will follow the unit without any problem.

1. As always, we are starting with the Vocabulary section on page 72 of our Student Book. So the first thing we are going to do is to copy the vocabulary on your notebook and translate it into Spanish. You can use www.wordreference.com to look for the words. It is the best online dictionary!

2. Now we are going to do exercise 3 on page 72 of our Student Books.

3. Finally, we are going to open our Workbooks on page 58 and we are going to do exercises 1, 2 and 3. 

And this is all for today. Remember that you can ask me any doubt or any question that you need by email. 

Have a nice day and see you on Thursday on our video meeting! 

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