Good morning everyone! Today we have our video meeting in which we are going to check the vocabulary exercises from last lesson.
Besides, we are going to work on our reading. So take your Student Book on page 73. First of all, we will read the text.
Now look up for all the words you don't understand at You can write them on your Personal Dictionary at the back of your notebook. When you finish you are ready to take the survey. You can write your answers on your notebook.
Now choose a person at home (your parents, your brothers or sisters) and ask them about their answers and write them down on your notebook.
Finished? Let's do exercise 8.
Finally, we are going to take a simple video quiz. I hope you enjoy it!
And that's all for today! Have a great weekend and see you next week!
1. First of all, I'm going to give you the answers of the Reviews from the Student Book (for those who didn't attend the video meeting last Friday) and the Workbook (FOR EVERYONE).
STUDENT BOOK UNIT 6 REVIEW ANSWERS (if you attended last Friday video meeting last Friday you don't need to do this)
WORKBOOK UNIT 6 REVIEW ANSWERS (you ALL have to do this)
2. Now we have to check the Vocabulary worksheet I gave you last Friday. You have the answers on the following link:
3. Finally, we are going to do a Grammar worksheet. Remember next week we are going to have a written test and it is very important that you do them before this Friday so you we can check them in the video meeting.
Good morning! Today we are starting Unit 7. Don't worry, because we are going to go slowly and you will follow the unit without any problem.
1. As always, we are starting with the Vocabulary section on page 72 of our Student Book. So the first thing we are going to do is to copy the vocabulary on your notebook and translate it into Spanish. You can use to look for the words. It is the best online dictionary!
2. Now we are going to do exercise 3 on page 72 of our Student Books.
3. Finally, we are going to open our Workbooks on page 58 and we are going to do exercises 1, 2 and 3.
And this is all for today. Remember that you can ask me any doubt or any question that you need by email.
Have a nice day and see you on Thursday on our video meeting!
Today in our video meeting we will check the exercises on the Student Book Review (p. 68). A written test is near, so it is very important that we practice as much as we can.
Now let's go with the lesson:
1. First, we are going to continue our review with the Workbook. We are going to do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4 on page 54. For those of you who don't have your books, I leave you the captures.
2. Finally, we are going to complete a worksheet on vocabulary. You don't need to print it, you can just write the answers on your notebook. Here you have the link:
Good morning everyone! I hope you enjoyed your weekend!
Today we are going to start the review of Unit 6. First of all, let's watch a video in which we review the two grammar sections, that is, the Passive and the Relative Pronouns.
Es muy importante que veáis estos vídeos, son lo más parecido a una explicación en clase que podemos tener, y por las visualizaciones que tienen me estoy dando cuenta de que pasáis del tema. Os recuerdo que estos contenidos gramaticales van a ser muy importantes en Bachillerato. Yo estoy intentando proporcionaros todo lo que puedo lo mejor que puedo, el resto lo tenéis que poner vosotr@s de vuestra parte. ¡Ánimo! Yes, you can!
Por último, vamos a hacer los ejercicios del 1 al 5 del Review del Student book, página 68, que corregiremos en la videconferencia de este viernes. Para los que no tengáis los libros dejo aquí las capturas.
Good morning everyone. This Thursday we will have a written test on Unit 6. So read the following instructions carefully!
1. Este jueves 23 DE ABRIL tendremos un test escrito que servirá como evaluación de la unidad 6. El formato será tipo FORMULARIO DE GOOGLE, por lo que es algo que os resultará familiar, y con la ventaja de que en el caso de que no tengáis ordenador, es muy fácil realizarlo desde una tablet o el móvil.
2. Para poder hacerlo es muy importante que TOD@S estéis atentos a vuestro gmail de a las 11:00. En ese momento recibiréis un email con el enlace al formulario. A las 11:45 lo cerraré y no se podrán enviar más respuestas. Tenéis tiempo de sobra ya que el writing lo he sustituido por un ejercicio de escribir frases (como el que hicistéis en la sección de Writing del Student Book).
3. El test consta de las mismas partes que los exámenes escritos, es decir: GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY, LISTENING, READING, WRITING. En cada una de las secciones encontraréis uno o más ejercicios.
4. Hay ejercicios de dos tipos: elegir respuesta (en el que sólo tenéis que marcar la respuesta correcta, que sólo hay una) y completar respuesta (en el que tendréis que escribir una respuesta corta siempre sin contracciones).
5. En cada sección tendréis instrucciones detalladas de cómo hacer cada ejercicio. Tendréis que estar atentos a las minúsculas y a evitar las formas contraídas.
6. Durante el test, yo estaré conectada por videoconferencia. El enlace a la videoconferencia lo tendréis en el mismo email que el del test. Así, si tenéis alguna duda o problema podéis consultarme en ese mismo momento, como haríamos en clase.
7. En el test se valora más vuestra comprensión que otra cosa. Así que aseguraos que entendéis bien los contenidos gramaticales de este tema. Os recuerdo que tenéis este vídeo en el que grabé el repaso de la gramática tal y como lo explicaría en clase.
8. Dedica el resto del tiempo de la clase de hoy a repasar el vocabulario y la gramática, y a echarle un vistazo a los ejercicios que ya tenemos resueltos, para que el jueves puedas resolverlos eficazmente. La semana que viene comenzaremos con el tema 7.
Good morning to everyone! I hope you had a good week and you enjoy this weekend.
Remember that today we have our video meeting in which we are going to check last lesson's essays, so have them ready!
Today's work is easy.
1. First of all, we are going to complete exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 53 of your workbooks, that is, the Writing section. For those of you who forgot your books at school, I leave you the captures.
2. To finish, we are going to get a short video quiz on RELATIVE PRONOUNS (como novedad, incluye aparte de WHO, WHICH, WHOSE y WHERE, el pronombre relativo WHEN, que por supuesto se refiere a tiempo)
As you know, sometimes I bring my art journal to school so I can share my drawings with you. As I can't do it now, I've decided to leave you here one of my last artworks.
As I told you before holidays, a written test is near... as near as next week! I will give you the instructions to take the test on Monday, so today we are going to keep working on Grammar (don't forget to have a look at the vocabulary section too).
Here you have some online exercises on Unit 6 Grammar. You can check your answers and if you have any doubt or question about your mistakes, you can ask me in an email.
*For those of you who can't attend today's video meeting for technical reasons, here I leave you the link to a document with the answers of the Grammar worksheet I gave you at the beginning of the week:
I hope you had enough time to chill out these holidays!
Today we are going to check the Reading section of your Workbooks, and then we will focus on the Writing section of your Student books.
1. First, let's have a look and check the exercises from the Reading section of your Workbooks. Here you have the answers:
2. Secondly, we are going to read the text on page 67 of your Student Books. It is AN ONLINE PRODUCT REVIEW (es como si hicierais una reseña en Amazon después de comprar un producto).
Now we are going to do exercise 3:
3. Thirdly, listen to this video showing you how you have to do your writing. (ES MUY IMPORTANTE QUE LO VEÁIS PARA QUE PODÁIS HACER EL WRITING CON LAS SECCIONES Y EL ORDEN CORRECTOS)
4. To conclude, you have to do your writing. Choose the gadget or electronic appliance you prefer and write 150 words on your notebooks. On Thursday I will check them on our video meeting!
Good morning everyone! I hope you chilled out these holidays!
Today we have to check the Vocabulary and Reading Worksheets we did before holidays. We are also going to complete a Grammar Worksheet. It is very important that you start studying Vocabulary and Grammar because soon we will do a short online written test on Unit 6.
1. First, I leave you the links to the answers for the worksheets I gave you before holidays:
2. Secondly, I leave you a video with the review of the grammar of this unit, as I always do in class. If you have any question or any doubt, you can email me.
3. Thirdly, I leave you a Grammar Worksheet. On Thursday you we will check it at the video meeting.
Good morning everyone! The weekend is nearly here! Hurray!!!
Today we are going to check exercise 3 from page 65 of your Student Book, Remember we also have a video meeting today in which I am going to check that you have done, checked and understood exercises 1 to 5 on page 51 of your Workbook. On your mail you have the link and the timetable. Finally, we are going to do the Reading section from your Worbook.
1. Take your notebook and check exercise 3 from page 65 of your Student Book.
2. Take your Workbook and go to page 52. Read the text and do exercises 1, 2 and 3. For those who don't have the books at home I leave you the captures.
Today we are going to finish our review on the Vocabulary and the Reading of Unit 6.
Remember today you have our video meeting, in which we are going to check the exercises of the Grammar Practice of your Workbooks. I've sent you an email with the link and the timetable.
Here I leave you the links of two worksheets: Vocabulary and Culture (a reading comprehension). You don't have to copy the headings on your notebooks, just the answers.
(Al abrir los enlaces, podéis hacer los ejercicios consultando esa misma página que se abre o dándole al botón de descargar en la parte superior derecha de la página, pero NO pulséis sobre "Abrir con documentos de Google" porque el archivo se descoloca completo y será imposible realizar así la tarea. ¡Ah! Y en la hoja del Reading que a nadie se le ocurra decir que no ha hecho un ejercicio porque ponía "listen" y no estaba el audio porque no hace falta escucharlo, sólo leerlo... ¡qué os conozco! 😜)