Good morning! The weekend is near!

But today we have to keep working on Unit 6, and remember you have a video meeting at 10:00 (3ESOB) and 11:00 (3ESOA). You got all the information in your @lasallechiclana.com mailboxes. 

1. We are going to do exercises 5 and 6 from page 55 on your Workbooks. If you don't have your workbook don't worry, I'll leave the captures and you can do them on a notebook or sheet of paper. 

2. Then, we are going to translate some sentences from Spanish to English. Yeeeeeees!!!! Your favourite activity ever!!!! I know the easy and WRONG way is to use Google Translator but remember that if you do that you are cheating yourselves. You won't learn anything at all. I prefer a wrong sentence done by you than a right sentence done by a robot. If you don't know how to say a word in English, use www.wordreference.com, it's the best online dictionary. Here you have the sentences:

¿Cuánta pasta hay en la despensa?
¿Hay suficiente tarta para todos los invitados?
Clara va a empezar la universidad el año que viene.
Daniel va a prepararnos la cena esta noche.
No hay suficientes sillas en la clase. 
Peter va a jugar al tenis online con mi hermana el próximo sábado. 
Tenemos unas pocas preguntas sobre este ejercicio.
Tengo un poco de trabajo que hacer, después podemos salir al pasillo a andar.
Van a mudarse a una isla desierta tan pronto como sea posible.
¿Cuántos rollos de papel higiénico has comprado?

But... as working with music is the best way of all, I leave you a song to play while you do your exercises.

Have a happy weekend! 
Enjoy each day with simple things!
Listen to music, dance, play, watch films, write stories, 
chat with your friends, draw and paint...

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