Good morning!

Bueno chic@s, empiezo con un parrafito en español, para recordaros lo importante que es que pongáis de vuestra parte en esta situación que nos ha tocado vivir. No os voy a machacar a ejercicios, solo unos pocos cada vez, pero tenéis que intentar hacerlos. De nada sirve que los profesores nos rompamos la cabeza para facilitaros el aprendizaje si tomáis la decisión de no hacer nada. Sé que cuesta. Sé que es mucho más fácil quedarse viendo la tele o jugando a la Play. Pero de esta situación sólo vamos a salir si todos ponemos de nuestra parte. Y de verdad que nuestra parte es más fácil que la de toda esa gente que tiene que salir a trabajar. Mi parte es no salir de casa y hacer todo lo que pueda para que sigáis adelante con el curso y os sintáis atendidos. La vuestra es no salir de casa y hacer todo lo que podáis por ir completando los trabajos que os mandamos. Sé que es muy duro. Pero también sé que podemos. Juntos podemos. Todo va a salir bien. Venga, vamos a por el trabajo de hoy.

Today we are going to check last week exercises from the Workbook review. So prepare them and your red/pink/purple/green pen and start checking. On the audio below I you have the explanation of exercises 2 and 4. The others are easy peasy, but any way if you have any doubt or question you can send me an email and I will answer as soon as I can. 

Now we are going to watch a short film with a quiz in it. As you watch it, it will stop and ask you to do some things, as choosing the correct answer, writing your answer, ordering the words to make a sentence... just follow the instructions and each time you finish a question press the blue button. Also, you can repeat the sequence by pressing the return arrow symbol on the left. To start, just press the PLAY BUTTON. Do not change the Play mode I hope you like it!

To finish, if you want to get a positive, you can leave here a comment with your NAME, SURNAME AND CLASS, of 30 words about what you think this video teaches us and/or your personal opinion. 

And to finish up, I have something I want you to listen to...

10 comentarios:

  1. José Javier Caballero Herrera, 3°B. In my opinion, what the video tries to teach is that before accusing someone of having done something, we have to be really sure that he/she has. I think that the video was funny and entertaining.😂

  2. José Javier Caballero Herrera, 3°B. In my opinion, what the video tries to teach is that before accusing someone of having done something, we have to be really sure that he/she has. I think that the video was funny and entertaining.😂

  3. I have put my comment on the website of the video

  4. Respuestas
    1. Por favor Jesús, cópialo y pégalo aquí, que así puedo tener controlados los comentarios en un mismo lugar.

  5. In my opinion I think that you cannot get angry whith everythink and everyone you have to think the things before and go more relaxed and calm soy gonzalo bohorquez Morales y en la pruba del video e sacado un 63%

  6. I think that the video shows us how we should not judge peope from the outside and ge to know them before we can have an opinion, because if we don't look at things from the bigger picture, we might misunderstand what happens to us and we might be wrong without even being aware of it.

  7. In my opinion this video shows us that we don’t have to judge people that we don’t know. And we don’t have to accuss people if we are not sure that it was them. I’m Claudia Gomez Bolaños

  8. I´m Lucía Oliva Martínez.
    In my opinion, it was a very funny text because the old lady was very angry when the cookies were not her own and she called the child eating the boy.

  9. Jesús Gil Malpartida 3 ESO B This video teaches us that we cannot accuse someone without having enough evidence.With the video we can learn several things thanks to the format it offers us.The video is very interesting.In my opinion,this video should be put into classes at the school or hig school.
