Good morning everyone!! 
Another week more and another week less!!

I hope you and your families are ok. Today we are going to check the exercises from the workbook I gave you last Friday, and also we will work on the Reading section from the Student Book on page 65.

1. As regards the checking of the exercises, I will leave the captures for those who don't have wifi, but for all of you who have it I advise you to play the following video where you can check the exercises while I explain them. 

2. Now we are moving to page 65 of your Student Book. First, we are going to read and listen to the text (you have the audio below, and also the captures from the book, but remember you can use the digital book with the link I sent you by email). We are also doing exercise 3. 

And that's all for today! 
Have a nice day and see you on Friday on our videomeeting!


Good morning everyone!!!

Another week starts! In this lesson we are going to check the exercises from the Workbook review we had, and also the sentences from Spanish to English. Then we will do some exercises from the Grammar Practice. So let's start!

1. Here you have the guide to check the exercises (Si no tienes acceso a wifi y tienes que tirar de datos de móvil, ve directamente a los siguientes puntos, 2a y 2b. Si tienes acceso a internet te aconsejo que veas el video porque lo voy explicando todo mientras lo corrijo. Cuando termines, ve directamente al punto 3).

2a. Here you have the captures of the answers of exercises 5 and 6.

2b. Next, I leave you the English translation of the sentences
  • ·         ¿Cuánta pasta hay en la despensa?
  • How much pasta is there in the pantry?
  • ·         ¿Hay suficiente tarta para todos los invitados?
  • Is there enough cake for all the guests?
  • ·         Clara va a empezar la universidad el año que viene.
  • Clara is going to start university next year.
  • ·         Daniel va a prepararnos la cena esta noche.
  • Daniel is making us dinner tonight.
  • ·         No hay suficientes sillas en la clase.
  • There aren't enough chairs in the classroom. 
  • ·         Peter va a jugar al tenis online con mi hermana el próximo sábado.
  • Peter is playing tennis online with my sister next Saturday.
  • ·         Tenemos unas pocas preguntas sobre este ejercicio.
  • We have a few questions about this exercise. 
  • ·         Tengo un poco de trabajo que hacer, después podemos salir al pasillo a andar.
  • I have a little work to do, later we can go out to the corridor to walk. 
  • ·         Van a mudarse a una isla desierta tan pronto como sea posible.
  • They are going to move to a desert island as soon as possible.
  • ·         ¿Cuántos rollos de papel higiénico has comprado?
  • How many toilet paper rolls have you bought?

3. Finally, we are going to do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4 from page 97 of your Workbooks. For those who have no books, I leave you the captures below. 


Good morning!

Remember that today we have a video meeting to check Student Book's exercises from last lesson. You can also ask me any doubt you have about them. Don't forget on your lasallechiclana.com mailbox you have the email with all the information you need about the video meeting. 

Now let's focus on today's work. As you imagine, we will continue with the exercises on page 51 from your Workbook. We are going to do exercises from 1 to 5. For those of you who don't have your workbooks at home, I leave you the captures below. 

But... as working with music is the best way of all, I leave you a song to play while you do your exercises.

Have a happy weekend! 
Enjoy each day with simple things!
Listen to music, dance, play, watch films, write stories, draw and paint...


Good morning! The weekend is near!

But today we have to keep working on Unit 6, and remember you have a video meeting at 10:00 (3ESOB) and 11:00 (3ESOA). You got all the information in your @lasallechiclana.com mailboxes. 

1. We are going to do exercises 5 and 6 from page 55 on your Workbooks. If you don't have your workbook don't worry, I'll leave the captures and you can do them on a notebook or sheet of paper. 

2. Then, we are going to translate some sentences from Spanish to English. Yeeeeeees!!!! Your favourite activity ever!!!! I know the easy and WRONG way is to use Google Translator but remember that if you do that you are cheating yourselves. You won't learn anything at all. I prefer a wrong sentence done by you than a right sentence done by a robot. If you don't know how to say a word in English, use www.wordreference.com, it's the best online dictionary. Here you have the sentences:

¿Cuánta pasta hay en la despensa?
¿Hay suficiente tarta para todos los invitados?
Clara va a empezar la universidad el año que viene.
Daniel va a prepararnos la cena esta noche.
No hay suficientes sillas en la clase. 
Peter va a jugar al tenis online con mi hermana el próximo sábado. 
Tenemos unas pocas preguntas sobre este ejercicio.
Tengo un poco de trabajo que hacer, después podemos salir al pasillo a andar.
Van a mudarse a una isla desierta tan pronto como sea posible.
¿Cuántos rollos de papel higiénico has comprado?

But... as working with music is the best way of all, I leave you a song to play while you do your exercises.

Have a happy weekend! 
Enjoy each day with simple things!
Listen to music, dance, play, watch films, write stories, 
chat with your friends, draw and paint...


Como os comentaba en el email que acabo de enviaros, la editorial Cambridge nos ha facilitado los libros ONLINE para aquell@s de vosotr@s que los habéis olvidado en casa. Además, nos servirán para poder trabajar recursos de audio y de vídeo. Aquí os dejo un vídeo en el que os muestro como usarlo:

Espero que tanto vosotr@s como vuestras familias estéis bien. ¡Animo!


Good morning! A new week starts!

Bueno chic@s, empiezo con un parrafito en español, para recordaros lo importante que es que pongáis de vuestra parte en esta situación que nos ha tocado vivir. No os voy a machacar a ejercicios, solo unos pocos cada vez, pero tenéis que intentar hacerlos. De nada sirve que los profesores nos rompamos la cabeza para facilitaros el aprendizaje si tomáis la decisión de no hacer nada. Sé que cuesta. Sé que es mucho más fácil quedarse viendo la tele o jugando a la Play. Pero de esta situación sólo vamos a salir si todos ponemos de nuestra parte. Y de verdad que nuestra parte es más fácil que la de toda esa gente que tiene que salir a trabajar. Mi parte es no salir de casa y hacer todo lo que pueda para que sigáis adelante con el curso y os sintáis atendidos. La vuestra es no salir de casa y hacer todo lo que podáis por ir completando los trabajos que os mandamos. Sé que es muy duro. Pero también sé que podemos. Juntos podemos. Todo va a salir bien. Venga, vamos a por el trabajo de hoy.

Today we are going to continue working on relative clauses and pronouns on your Student Books.

So this is the planning for today:

1. Do exercises 1 and 2 on page 64 of your Student Book (For those who don't have the books you have the captures at the end of this post).
2. Play the video and pay attention to it. There I explain to you how to make a relative clause from two different sentences. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that you watch it.
3. Do exercise 3. 

If you have any doubt or question remember to email me.

To finish up, I have something very important to tell you...

And that's all! Have a nice day and come back for our next lesson on Friday 27th!

(El viernes 27 continuaremos con más ejercicios y tendremos una VIDEOCONFERENCIA en la que corregiremos los de hoy. Os enviaré un email con toda la información el jueves).


Good morning! The weekend is getting closer!

Today we are going to learn about our second grammar section, about Relative Clauses. Don't worry because I have prepared something that will help you to understand everything without any problems.

I have prepared a slideshow with the Grammar Map about Relative Clause. BUT WAIT! Don't start copying, because as always, you will first have to listen to my explanation. So, here is what you have to do.

1. Play the audio file.
2. Follow my instructions!
3. You can find the slideshow HERE.
4. When you have finished listening, you can copy the Grammar Map on your notebook. If you don't have your notebook don't worry, you can copy it on a sheet of paper and when we can back you can paste it to your notebook.
4. To finish this lesson, you can do this online exercise.
6. Read the message below the video.

Paso a español para que no os quejéis luego de que "es que no lo entendí". Mañana viernes he preparado una videoconferencia. Cada curso la tendrá aproximadamente a su hora (para no haceros madrugar demasiado). Eso quiere decir que 4ESOA la tendrá a las 09:30 y 4ESOB a las 10:30. Aprovecharemos para solventar todas las dudas que tengáis, tanto de las oraciones pasivas como de las oraciones de relativo de hoy, y de la asignatura en general. Además, aprovecharé para hacer preguntillas y poner positivos. Para evitar que se colapse lo haremos de la siguiente forma teniendo en cuenta vuestros números de clase:

-Alumnos del 1 al 6 (ambos inclusive): 09:30 / 10:30
-Alumnos del 7 al 12 (ambos inclusive): 09:45 / 10:45
-Alumnos del 13 al 18 (ambos inclusive): 10.00 / 11:00
-Alumnos del 19 hasta último: 10:15 / 11:15

En el documento que enviamos a vuestras familias tendréis el enlace para poder entrar. Estoy deseando veros, ¡os echo de menos! 


Good morning!

Bueno chic@s, empiezo con un parrafito en español, para recordaros lo importante que es que pongáis de vuestra parte en esta situación que nos ha tocado vivir. No os voy a machacar a ejercicios, solo unos pocos cada vez, pero tenéis que intentar hacerlos. De nada sirve que los profesores nos rompamos la cabeza para facilitaros el aprendizaje si tomáis la decisión de no hacer nada. Sé que cuesta. Sé que es mucho más fácil quedarse viendo la tele o jugando a la Play. Pero de esta situación sólo vamos a salir si todos ponemos de nuestra parte. Y de verdad que nuestra parte es más fácil que la de toda esa gente que tiene que salir a trabajar. Mi parte es no salir de casa y hacer todo lo que pueda para que sigáis adelante con el curso y os sintáis atendidos. La vuestra es no salir de casa y hacer todo lo que podáis por ir completando los trabajos que os mandamos. Sé que es muy duro. Pero también sé que podemos. Juntos podemos. Todo va a salir bien. Venga, vamos a por el trabajo de hoy.

Today we are going to check last week exercises from the Workbook review. So prepare them and your red/pink/purple/green pen and start checking. On the audio below I you have the explanation of exercises 2 and 4. The others are easy peasy, but any way if you have any doubt or question you can send me an email and I will answer as soon as I can. 

Now we are going to watch a short film with a quiz in it. As you watch it, it will stop and ask you to do some things, as choosing the correct answer, writing your answer, ordering the words to make a sentence... just follow the instructions and each time you finish a question press the blue button. Also, you can repeat the sequence by pressing the return arrow symbol on the left. To start, just press the PLAY BUTTON. Do not change the Play mode I hope you like it!

To finish, if you want to get a positive, you can leave here a comment with your NAME, SURNAME AND CLASS, of 30 words about what you think this video teaches us and/or your personal opinion. 

And to finish up, I have something I want you to listen to...


Good morning! I hope you and your family are doing well.

Today we are going to check yersterday's exercises with the captures I have posted. So take your exercises and a red (or pink, or purple... you know I don't mind the colour 😊) pen. I will guide you through the process of checking with an audio file BUT  I don't explain all the exercises, just the ones I think that you will find more difficult, that is, exercises 2, 4 and 5. So I advise you to check first exercises 1, 3 and 6, and then play the audio below to have a look at the rest

Now we are going to continue reviewing the unit with exercises from 1 to 4  from page 54 of your Workbook. I enclose the captures. 

And that's all for today, on Monday we will check these exercises because tomorrow we have SOMETHING SPECIAL.

Paso a español para que no os quejéis luego de que "es que no lo entendí". Mañana jueves he preparado una videoconferencia. Cada curso la tendrá a su hora. Eso quiere decir que 3ESOA la tendrá a las 10:00 y 3ESOB a las 12:30. Aprovecharemos para solventar todas las dudas que tengáis, tanto de la parte del Writing como del Review del Student Book y de la asignatura en general. Además, aprovecharé para hacer preguntillas y poner positivos. Para evitar que se colapse lo haremos de la siguiente forma teniendo en cuenta vuestros números de clase:

-Alumnos del 1 al 6 (ambos inclusive): 10:00 / 12:30
-Alumnos del 7 al 12 (ambos inclusive): 10:15 / 12:45
-Alumnos del 13 al 18 (ambos inclusive): 10.30 / 13:00
-Alumnos del 19 hasta último: 10:45 / 13:15

En el documento que enviamos a vuestras familias tendréis el enlace para poder entrar. Estoy deseando veros, ¡os echo de menos! 


Good morning everybody!

The first thing we are going to do today is checking yesterday's homework. So take your notebook (or sheets of paper) and your red pen and take a look at these pictures where you have the correct answers to the exercises from both the Student Book and the Workbook.

Now let's continue with the writing. We are going to do it as we do in class. Check these questions.

Have I included...
-Have I included a title?
-Have I respected the margins of the page?
-Have I started with a greeting? For example Hello or Hi
-Have I included an introduction thanking for the email?
-Have I continued with some personal news using the be going to future tenese?
-Have I explained what the problem is?
-Have I written about how I feel about it, and why?
-Have I included information about what I have done and/or haven't done?
-Have I asked for advice or help?
-Have I finished with my name?

If you have any doubt or question about the grammar you have used you can email me and write the fragments where you need help and I will answer as soon as I can. 

Now we are going to continue reviewing the content of the unit. So if you have your Student Book, open it on page 68. You have to do all the exercises there. For those who don't have the book, I have included the captures below. 

And this is all for today. Remember to be responsible, take care and stay home! 


Goooooood morning! 

Before we start checking yesterday's passive sentences, we are going to do a quick online review of PAST PARTICIPLES with this online exercise:


Now we are going to check the two exercises from last lesson. I will guide you through the checking by means of an audio file. It looks as a video, but it's only my voice. So take your red pen and your notebook, press the play button and listen to me as you compare your answers to the correct sentences you will find below the video. 

(La idea es que escuchéis el video a la vez que vais corrigiendo las oraciones. Así que paradlo las veces que haga falta, repetid lo que necesitéis... las frases son algo complicadas y tenéis que estar atentos a la explicación. De todas formas, si tenéis cualquier duda sólo tenéis que contactar conmigo por correo o mediante la plataforma)

Active to passive

  1. Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom
  2. Right now, the letter is being repaired by Sarah.
  3. The car wasn’t repaired by Sam last week
  4. The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store.
  5. That castle has already been visited by many tourists.
  6. The work will be finished by 5:00 pm.
  7. A beautiful dinner isn’t going to be made by Sally tonight.
  8. At 8:00 pm tonight, the dishes will be being washed by John.
  9. The bills used to be paid by Jerry.
  10. I knew the work wouldn’t be finished by John by 5:00
  11. English isn’t spoken in this shop
  12. Dennis was asked a question by Kevin
  13. The house was built last year.
  14. He is given a box by her
  15. He won’t be looked after by Max.

 Passive to active

1. The jar was filled by Peter – Peter filled the jar
2. Reading is enjoyed by her. – She enjoys reading
3. The town will be destroyed by the fire. – The fire will destroy the town
4. The library has been closed. – They have closed the library.


Gooooooood morning! I hope you all are doing well!

Today we are going to continue working on passive sentences.

Copy the following active sentences on your notebook and turn them into passive. If you forgot your notebook don't worry, you can do them on an old notebook or some sheets of paper you have at home. 

Be careful because there are some tenses we haven’t worked yet in class. But with the scheme I gave you you can turn them without any problem. Besides, remember there are parts of the sentences (manner, time and place adverbials) which are not affected by passive changes.

(Recordad que para aquellos que os cuesta más, lo más fácil es copiar la frase, analizarla buscando el SUJETO, VERBO Y COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO. Una vez que lo hayáis hecho sólo tenéis que seguir los pasos que tenéis copiados en el cuaderno. AQUELLOS ALUMNOS/AS QUE TIENEN EL EXAMEN ADAPTADO, SÓLO TIENEN QUE HACER LAS ORACIONES 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13 y 15. Para los que habéis olvidado el cuaderno en casa, os dejo una foto del pequeño esquema).

  1. Once a week, Tom cleans the house.
  2. Right now, Sarah is writing the letter.
  3. Sam didn’t repair the car last week.
  4. The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store.
  5. Many tourists have already visited that castle.
  6. Someone will finish the work by 5:00 pm.
  7. Sally isn’t going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.
  8. At 8:00 pm tonight, John will be washing the dishes.
  9. Jerry used to pay the bills.
  10.  I knew John wouldn’t finish the work by 5:00.
  11. They don’t speak English in this shop.
  12. Kevin asked Dennis a question.
  13. Somebody built the house last year.
  14. She gives him a box.
  15. Max won’t look after him.

Now we are going to do the opposite. Copy the following passive sentences into your notebook and turn them into active.

  1. The jar was filled by Peter.
  2. Reading is enjoyed by her.
  3. The town will be destroyed by the fire.
  4. The library has been closed.

Se va a habilitar una serie de horas para que nos preguntéis dudas. Así que cualquier cosa que no entendáis al hacer estas frases, o cuando las corrijamos mañana, apuntadla para preguntármela.

Take care and be responsible


Gooooooood morning!!!

I hope you are doing well...

Today we are going to continue working on unit 6, and we are going to focus on the writing section. So take your pen, notebook, Student Book and Workbook to start. Don't worry if you forgot them at school, as I have included some captures in this post, and you can use any old notebook or sheets of paper to complete your classwork. 

For this lesson, I have recorded an audio file to guide your work. It looks like a video, but it is only my voice! You can pause, rewind and play it as many times as you need.

If you need to look up for some new words, you can do it here. Choose the English-Spanish option.