Hola chic@s... esto se acaba. Última clase de 4ESO de este curso... Buenos y malos momentos en estos años, y sobre todo unos últimos meses difíciles y extraños. A tod@s los que os despedís del cole (que espero que seáis la mayoría), os deseo todo lo mejor para el futuro. No tengáis miedo y soñad alto. Equivocarse es parte del proceso de aprendizaje en esta vida. "Caerse está permitido, levantarse es obligado"... Espero que no os olvidéis de vuestra profe de inglés, y que lo que os he enseñado, no sólo sobre gramática o vocabulario, sino sobre todo, sobre ser las mejores personas que podáis ser, críticas con lo que os rodea, solidarias y llevando los valores de La Salle por bandera os sirva durante vuestras vidas.

Vamos a terminar hoy con unos ejercicios de repaso de los últimos temas. No hace falta que copies los enunciados, solo las respuestas en vuestros cuadernos. Tenéis hasta el domingo para entregármelos, no los olvidéis!!!

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I ____________________ (have) more time, I would try out new recipes every day.

2. I won’t buy any food for this evening unless you ____________________ (plan) to be at home for dinner.

3. If Steve ____________________ (not study) so hard, he wouldn’t be top of his class.

4. We ____________________ (pick) you up when you call us.

5. I ____________________ (not help) you if I didn’t want to.

6. Dan won’t pass his exams unless he ____________________ (start) revising now.

7. What would you do if you ____________________ (be) me?

8. I ____________________ (get) tickets for the concert if you give me the money.

2. Rewrite the sentences using the passive.

1. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.

2. In 50 years’ time, people will inhabit the moon.

3. A lot of shops don’t provide plastic bags.

4. Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?

5. They use plastic to make these shoes.

6. They cut down hundreds of trees in the neighbourhood recently.

7. Will people build houses at the bottom of the sea?

8. People drink a lot of tea in England.

3. Circle the correct options.

1. We won’t be able to save our planet ________ we start taking action now.

a) unless

b) when

c) if

2. If we lived in the country, we ________ grow our own vegetables.

a) may

b) can

c) could

3. Facebook is a social networking site _______ is used by millions of people.

a) what

b) which

c) who

4. Isn’t that the boy ________ father plays in a band?

a) which

b) that

c) whose

5. You know you _______________ use my laptop without asking.

a) can’t

b) couldn’t

c) don’t have to

6. This is the house ___________ I grew up.

a) where

b) which

c) that

7. I’ll call you ___________ I get home.

a) unless

b) if

c) when

8. Fortunately, I ____________ help Mum yesterday.

a) mustn’t

b) didn’t have to

c) might not

4. Choose the correct answer. Only one option is correct.

1. I’ve no idea what we’ve just eaten as it was so ____________.

a) savoury

b) delicious

c) bland

2. When apples are really fresh, they can be very ________________ .

a) crunchy

b) bitter

c) spicy

3. How can you afford that restaurant? It’s ____________ expensive.

a) totally

b) ridiculously

c) too much

4. I think Clare is _________ strange.

a) bit

b) kind

c) kind of

5. I always _________ cheese to put on my pasta.

a) grate

b) chop

c) mix

6. That dessert was so __________________ . There was far too much sugar in it.

a) savoury

b) sweet

c) slimy

7. I need to get in ____________ before the summer.

a) weight

b) diet

c) shape

8. It was _____________ kind of you to help me.

a) extremely

b) totally

c) a bit


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