Hello students!

A promise is a promise, and this is our English blog. And I say "our" and not "my", because if we want it to work properly, I'll need your participation. You are the makers of this blog. I'm just the one who organises it.

There are many things you can use this blog for:
-You'll find links to on-line exercises, which you can do at home.
-You'll find links to interesting English webs (about the subject and about many other things).
-You'll find reminders to important dates and events (tests, extra-activities, homework, etc.).
-You can fill the contact form to ask questions or doubts, to make suggestions, to share interesting links and information...
-You can take part in on-line tutorials before tests, so I can solve your doubts in real time span.

Of course, I trust you. I trust you will make a good use of this useful tool, so that it will turn into another communication channel among us when we are not at school.
